Well, let's see DJ, my best friend's name is Lana like banana. But on Smallville Lana is pronounced Lawna.

Interesting note, Schnuffichen - You are unlikely to hear Americans saying dance and can't with a waffle a. That would make it sound very British to me.

Okay, now wait a minute, Vicki:

Count me in as another who didn't realize there was any other option than that WAFF rhymes with laugh. Not that I ever said it out loud, to my knowledge, but that's the way I say it in my mind.

On the other hand, after hearing the sound file (btw, I agree with Jana - nice voice, Paul) - I have to admit that the word WAFFY pronounced to rhyme with taffy sounds like it wacky and brings to mind a corn-ball comedy, where as WAFFY pronounced to rhyme with waffle -le +y, sounds sort of warm and fuzzy! Hmmm, I may have to change the way I pronounce the word.
So, you are saying you pronounce WAFF like laugh but laugh doesn't rhyme with taff as in taffy? If I were to say laugh-y it would rhyme with taffy. So how do you say laugh? Do you say laugh as in the lof part of loft? I voted, but I didn't listen to Paul. So what accent do you speak with Paul? Now it makes me wonder how some of you say waffle. I might have to hook up my speakers....

I thought I liked what Anna said about the Spanish 'a', which is how I would say it, but she didn't describe a Spanish 'a' the way I say a Spanish 'a' and I thought it was always the same. Anna described saying a Spanish 'a' the first way Paul described which is taffy, but I say waffle the same way I say a Spanish 'a'.

So now do any of us actually know how we think the other folks here pronounce WAFF? I don't think those little marks that tell us how to pronounce the different types of 'a' sounds would help since we all seem to be saying it different anyway. What a hoot.... rotflol

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~