Originally posted by HatMan:
Jana: Whose voice? Take a guess. wink
Whoa, I thought so but didn't want to gush about that incredible voice when you might tell me afterwards it came from a PC or something wink

As for LAFF, I never considered pronouncing that in any way other than I'd say "laugh" (which also rhymes with option one).
See, it works the same for me - and my "laugh" has indeed the sound as in "waffle".

It might be interesting (yeah, I'm from the "Unimportant-but-interesting-Trivia front which I got recently to know in a fic by Annie M laugh ), whether there's a correlation between the way to pronounce these words and the origin of a person.
Cause in school we were strictly taught to pronounce "dance" and "can't" and so on with this "waffle"-a. (though not much of this Oxford English has survived in me wink )



"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady