I don't think we'd be human if we didn't, as writers, scan the feedback threads looking for a mention of our story. That said, I think we're also grown-up to realise that not all stories are created equal. Some have the wow factor that makes a reader want to jump straight to the feedback thread and let the author know how great their story was. Others are more modest in their impact, and some won't appeal at all. That's just life.

So please don't feel obliged to make comments for every single story on the DVD. No-one can be expected to like them all. Remember, too, that comments don't just have to be full of glowing praise. If something in a story didn't work for you, say so. These message boards were originally conceived as a place where authors could get useful feedback on works-in-progress and thus help improve their craft. I, for one, would welcome a little friendly debate now and then. smile
