I don't have a DVD player, so I haven't ordered the DVD. But I do want to contribute to the running of this site, so, one way or another, I'm planning to send money. If I get a DVD for my trouble I won't be able to play it.

I'll say this much.... I like to know a lot about books and stories before I buy them. So for me, buying a lot of stories that I know very little about isn't an ideal thing. (For example, I might wonder: Is there a deathfic included? Well, probably not. Are all the stories going to be extremely chaste and PG-rated? Probably. Isn't there a way I can sneak even the tiniest little peek at the ending of these stories? No, I didn't think so....)

So for me, this fundraiser DVD is more about supporting the site than it is about buying or reading stories.
