Well... speaking as the first ceremony co-ordinator for the Kerths, and as an admin for #loisclark, I'm delighted to hear this, guys. smile1 (Except for the part where I scared poor Jen -- I didn't do it on purpose, honest!) It's running 50-50 with those who joined because of the Kerths and those who didn't! eek I hadn't expected that...

Me, I barely remember when I first got on IRC -- I tried in late '96 or early '97 and it took a while but I got the hang of it. Which is good; in the summer of '97 I'd go online when my baby had me awake at 2am and talk to the Aussie/Kiwi/Asian folcs laugh (My baby's turning 9 years old today!)

I do remember being awed at meeting Zoomway -- I sort of knew her from CompuServe, but she was like the High Priestess of FOLCdom, so just regular chatting seemed impertinent goofy And things could get a *lot* busier then. Zoom could get L&C broadcasts Friday night off of sattelite, somehow, and she'd do spoiler sessions on IRC ... had upwards of 70 people on at one time.

Anyway... I'm really glad to hear everyone's having such a fun time. I think this is what we were going for when we established #loisclark, three years ago, and I always *thought* we were doing a pretty good job, but it's really nice to have that confirmed.

Do I sound horribly conceited? blush Don't mean to... we're just blessed to have such wonderful members of our fandom -- including all you newbies!


ps., Nicole, I think that whole "red button? what red button?" joke was terrific -- much more creative than the usual dropping of envelopes or paper cuts... wink

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K