My name is David and I'm a mIRC addict.

Last year I downloaded mIRC to attend the Kerths.

It was a rocky start and the scroll was rapid fire, but I somehow managed to keep up and it was a blast. It was amazing.

I was just... blown away by the chance to meet all my favourite authors. It was amazing - did I say that already? I hung around after the ceremony and ended up eventually in #loisclark... and I've never left. wink

I think I made a fool of myself a million times by gushing over people, and I was *certain* I'd scared poor Chris Carr for life after meeting her. <g> But... I mean, it was *Chris Carr* and *Wendy Richards* was talking to me and golly, could you believe that *Meredith Knight* now knew my name? I was utterly star struct for the first few months. I still get stunned sometimes when I meet new people, but I'm much better at hiding my reactions now - I mean, just the other night I met *Nicole Sullivan* and I managed a rather coherent conversation. laugh

Anyway, from there I was coerced into writing my first story and landed my first gig as a BR. mIRC - and the Kerths - was where it all started. <g>


'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters