I tried to get onto IRC a couple years ago, but never got it to successfully work. Since the Kerths were coming up, Wendy posted new instructions that I apparently was able to follow. Maybe a few more years of computer wisdom allowed my brain to finally function enough to get it to work. blush

So, in a way, I joined because of the Kerths. But I was unable to actually attend them. Maybe next year, we'll see.

But now that I'm on, it's a lot of fun. I get to talk to people from all over the world! How cool is that! And some people actually knew my name as soon as I signed on and I didn't even have to tell anyone! That part blew me away. And everyone's so nice. smile I just have to get a hang of it. There's so many buttons along the top I want to play with, but I'm afraid of embarassing myself while I'm on because I have no idea what they'll do.

So I'm pretty much hooked. Only problem is, I know I'll fail out of college if I allow myself to get on every night. Well, that's my IRC story. Thanks, Wendy, for posting the instructions!


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?