I had been really curious about IRC for awhile, because I always hear about people chatting there, and writing stories, helping each other, joking around, etc., and thought it sounded like a fun place... but I had no idea how to get on there. Getting there was sort of always on my To Do list <g> but never happened, but I wanted to participate in the Kerths, and the To Do became more of a DO IT NOW, YOU BIG PROCRATINATOR!

Sara Kraft totally helped me work out the technical stuff, so THANK YOU, Sara!! And I also received a lot of help from Wendy via her help-thread on the boards and email, so thank you Wendy, too!

And now... I think I'm addicted =\ It's so much fun, I'm kind of kicking myself for being such a darn procrastinator, lol wink

~Nicole smile

ps- I won't pretend that joining IRC the night before the Kerths was the smartest thing to do, as there were a few things I wasn't aware of. Like, oh, red flashing boxes are actually IMs that you should read!!

pps- It was all intentional, though.

ppps- Stop shaking your head at me!
