I'm with Paul: this whole seat up-or-down business has always struck me as being utterly ridiculous. Mind you, it's not something I have much of a choice about, as modern toilet and seat design seems to be such that the seat won't stay up even if one wanted it to! Half the time, the lid won't stay up either, unless you kick it the right way (and, unless you get an electrically heated one, a seat lid is cold when it hits you in the small of the back!).

Why do men have to lift it anyway? Can't they aim?
It's not quite that simple. We can aim, but a lot of anatomical considerations which I shall not detail here can mean that where we aim is not where the flow goes (anything up to 30-40 degrees "off-boresight", so to speak); and sometimes even aiming is not easy, requiring three-dimensional contortions that, AFAIK, women would never need to do. So it makes sense for us to use the significantly bigger "target" of the bowl with the seat up. There are other, minor considerations, but discussing them would make this thread even more scatological than it already is.


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...