Originally posted by YConnell:
What bugs me is my Dad, who always used to put the seat down, until the last couple of years, when he seems to have decided that leaving it up is some kind of statement. I'm still trying to work out whether or not this is related to his drift from the left to the right, politically speaking. laugh

LOL! I'm not sure if his drift to the right is responsible for his leaving the toilet seat up, but I'm one of the two men in this poll who leaves the toilet seat down, despite being a right-winger. I find it's a matter of common courtesy. I believe in personal responsiblity, so it's not the guy's fault if someone ends up falling and getting wet, but I don't see why men can't be courteous. In fact I put it down as a matter of habit and don't even think about it even if it's a toilet where I am pretty much the only user.

As a matter of practicality, men sometimes do have to sit on the toilet.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin