I can't say my favourite and honestly I forget many of my favs. Here are some that I like:

- Canadian beer commercials like " I am Canadian ". Oops that just shows a news bit about the commercial.
- other Cdn beer ....
- A bank one where there is a song "hand in my pocket"
- Capital one series
- The Lexus "moment" commercial
- Cannon had one a while ago and I remember a lot of bubbles
- HP's picutre copy series
- McDonald's "an extra (second?) burger is always good" A guy falls off his chair when he is eating fries. I don't know why that one gets me.
- Gyco
- Where's the beef
- Honda Element "I want to pinch"
- The Nike basketball one from a few years back where there is a black background and pple just bouncing a b-ball really well!
- Fed Ex ads, like this one Fed Ex add - "but I have an MBA"
- IKEA ads
- basicly go to any funny commercial site!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.