Movies should never be interrupted by commercials. That's just sacrilege. That's always been one of the primary arguments people make for having the BBC over here - which is funded by a public licence fee and so is commercial free.

What's worse though is that our main terrestrial commercial station will insist of putting on a movie and then breaking it halfway through for the main national evening news. By the time you've had national news, Scottish news, the weather and ads in between good luck to you if you can remember what movie you were watching, let alone what it was about.

And most infuriating of all is one of our cable channels which insists on interrupting movies about four times with '60 seconds of entertainment news'. I mean for pity's sake! Who in the wide world of sports cannot possibly go two hours without hearing entertainment news? dizzy

Like you, I need to have my movies shown in pristine condition as the maker intended them, so I tend to watch on DVD, too.

Oh and earlier I forgot to mention my favourite ad of all. The long running labrador puppy ads for Andrex loo roll. They've been using lab pups for decades and, of course, being a sucker for lab pups I just melt at their cute antics. Especially as these days they all look like Homer when he was a youngster. It's like watching a home video of him every time they come on. laugh

BTW, I couldn't find the puppy car ad online - mostly because I have no clue what make of car it advertises. But I found the Anchor Butter ad here

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers