I didn't vote because at the moment I have no boyfriend and no male bosses. If I had to choose a brother, I wouldn't know which one, because I have three!

I'm pretty lucky with my brothers I guess. No real big problems. I like doing different things with different. At the moment, I have the most problems with my youngest brother. He is 13, I am 21. He's the most spoiled one because he is the 5th child and my mom is a bit tired of always being strict wink

He's always watching cartoons on Nickelodeon, almost never eats his vegetables and always wants to be included when my other brothers and I are doing something. My other brother, 17, shares my interest in computer stuff and we have seen every Lost episode together. Even if I get it sooner, I always wait for him, otherwise he'll get mad. We also have a couple of 'private jokes'. My eldest brother, 19, has started working a few months ago. I don't see him that much because he's always working or with his girlfriend. But with him, I can talk about more serious stuff, like his girlfriend and my guy troubles wink

My older sister has been living on her own (now with boyfriend) for a little over two years now, and our relationship is a little bit calmer smile She used to get mad pretty quickly, but now we only see each other 2-3 times a week, she's nicer to everyone.

The toilet seat. Living in a house with 4 males and only 2 females, means that the toilet seat is usually left up. I've tried suggesting to my brother putting it down, but to no avail. They are a bit messy and leave their shoes everywhere (so does my dad), but I can be messy too, so I can't really complain laugh

Kitty, I don't know why you've got such a negative view about men, but like with women, you have a lot of different men. Some are great, some good, others not so pleasant. And yes, some of them are real jerks. But it's the same with women.


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