I have a brother who thinks he knows everything. If you express an opinion about anything in his presence he'll proceed to tell you why your wrong. Sometime after our older sister got divorced he asked me if she was seeing anyone. Oh you need to know I'm not married and never have been. Anyway when I said no she wasn't seeing anyone he proceeded to asked me what she was going to do with her life. Like the fact that she is the mother or two and a terrific special ed teacher wasn't enough. That if she didn't get a new man her life was wasted. I didn't say anything although I was mad as heck, but I was sitting there thinking buddy if you are what is available in the male of the species then who the heck needs one. If I want children I can always go the for the "Pop in a bottle" root and there are all sorts of ways to get your kicks. I don't know how he turned into a complete male chauvinist (Sp?) because that is not the way my mother raised my 2 brothers.