I have four brothers a full brother (same mother & Father)a Half brother (Same mother different father) and two step brothers (My dad their mum) one of my step borthers is older the others are all younger.

i get on fairly well with them now my eldest step brother and i had issues at the start as we were both used to being the eldest. My half brother is only 8 there is more than 10 years between us i love him to bits and we even argue as brother and sister which i sometimes feel stupid arguing with a child but then he is the only one for his dad and has got bros or sis his age to argue with.

My full brother and i used to fight and had a love hate relationship but now we don't live together we get on great. (He lives in the building next to me i see him once a month lol )and even though he can be selfish i still wouldn't change him.

My younger step brother and i are more i like, we like to be left alone when we are ill, tired or depressed we get ourselves out of it and withdraw deeper if anyone tries to coax us out of it. We get on great we bounce of each other.

I love all four of them and consider them all as my brothers i've never had any sisters and never wanted any i wouldn't swap or change them

Thanks for the love
Thanks for the guidance
Thanks for the TARTAN PRIDE HA!

Can't Stop Me Now - Rod Stewart - Time 2013