If the video content on the DVD would be playable on a TV, I'd much prefer that option. When Anna was here a few weeks ago we watched a bunch of music videos on the television and it was so much more fun than watching on the computer! And I'm not convinced the encoding/formatting would be that much of a hassle; once you got it done once you'd just be burning copies. I'd be happy to help with that if need be.

On the other hand, if they're just going to play on a computer, a website seems just as accessible as a DVD.

The only other thought I had was that it might be fun to have a few trailers on the DVD for "coming attractions," stories that aren't out yet, the way that commercial DVDs have previews at the beginning. Maybe even for stories that would appear in next year's fundraiser incentive wink . Assuming anyone would want to commit to having a story ready that far in advance (and that shouldn't be misconstrued to mean I'm volunteering wink ).

At any rate, I think the plan on the whole sounds great. Good work, guys!