I said I'd send a donation whether I get anything or not. I personally like Tank's idea of a download. And I'm on a dial-up. Although the laptop is WiFi and I can sneak over to McDonald's parking lot and dl it faster!
I've gotten so many years of enjoyment out of all the sites and I'd really like that to continue. Truth be told, though, I'm more a fanfic fan than a trailer fan, but that's me.
Another way to raise money might be to "auction" off a story from a favorite author. For instance, I'd pay to have Nan write a story and e-mail it to me privately first. Then after I've read it, it could go on the various sites. It would be like being a beta reader, in that you know the story before anyone else, and not having to do any work!
I think the DVD mailing thing might become a big hassle for the committee and Tank is right about people not wanting to share home addresses.
Annette seems to have delt with the technical issue of DVD compatibility.
Anyway, just my $.02.
Offline for a few days - going to Oregon

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis