Well, I'm usually BRing for at least three authors at any one time. goofy I think the number of different authors I've BRed at least one story for hits well over the 20-mark, and if we're talking at least two stories, then it's got to be 10 or so authors. goofy

Currently, I'm BRing for Yvonne, Pam and one other writer who shall not be named. goofy Like Pam, I'll occasionally 'sign on' for an individual story by a certain author, but I also have a few author friends for whom I'll BR anything they write.

As for my own BRs, I have to admit that, being somewhat over-prolific, eek I try not to inflict my stuff on too many people. Yvonne and Kaethel are my principal, invaluable BRs, but I don't necessarily ask both of them to read everything I write. It's hard enough for them to keep up with me as it is! So: usually two BRs, but occasionally one.

Interesting poll, Y!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*