Great poll - I've really enjoyed reading the answers.

I voted that I control my story, but most of the time it's a fierce battle - the story often fights back tooth and nail and occasionally wins. laugh

I'm an outline person, but like most of the other outline people here, I just map out the big picture and leave the detail to work itself out as I write. That means I usually know what I want to achieve, but haven't a clue *how*, which then leads to vast tracts of non-writing time sitting on the sofa with my eyes closed *trying* to work stuff out.

Timelines can be particularly vexing, I find - but then I'm the person who usually ends up writing out every minute of every day in a story and driving myself to distraction because I know I shouldn't! I envy those who can step gracefully from one significant event to another without plodding through a lot of irrelevant stuff in between.
