I gained weight while at college due to eating junk food and not exercising... I wasn't "fat" per se, but I definitely had reached my all-time high.
While I don't consider my "regime" (as I like to call it) a "diet," I do consider it as taking on a healthier lifestyle...
The only changes I've made are:
* Cutting out junk food (fast food, excessive candy & desserts)
* Exercising much more (I spend an hour on the treadmill OR do an exercise/aerobic video tape 6 days a week... daily I do between 300-360 crunches)
I have lost 20 pounds since graduation (May) and that is without a strict (or fad) diet!
I also found that I don't need second helpings at dinner--before I'd always have seconds!
I refuse to deprive myself... Like on vacation I will get a drink, and have dessert more often. I would never stick to a diet that restricted me from eating the foods I love!
I think that adding exercise made the biggest difference for me, though.

-Wanda "I love Richard Simmons" Detroit :p

"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.