Hiya. Just a thought of mine but that diet is not good on the body. You need carbs to get nrg. In the beginning of that diet you are mostly just loosing water. I read a study a year ago that pple end up with lower brain activity when they are on it. I still look into it. It's interesting.

frown frown

It's funny ... I love to help out my friends to loose weight or just to feel great and they do well. When I follow my own advice I have poor will power or something. sad

I used to be in great shape but then I got a new job sad at McD and ate the food non-stop BAD. I ballooned from 125 to 178 in 8 months. I am now at 140 - 4 to 5 yrs later. I have a long way to go.

I loose weight fast when I stick to it and feel great......I dunno why I can't stick with it!!!! (my love of chocolate and cheesecake which I cannot control?)

Right now I'm back on it and I feel great:

Work with weights!!! 3X a week
aerobic excercise 3X week min 30min
drink lots of water
I eat five or six times a day
per meal a serving of veggies, carb and protein
I have bars 2X/day or take a multi
(not all bars are created equal!)
Serving is a fist for me (3/4c)
Sometimes I have Special K or Vector if I'm too
One day a week I just relax.
I eat the Aikens, Advantage, BioProtein and
GenSoy bars.

If I can't do much I just watch my eating and make sure I get water and fit in some weights.

Personally I have to be strict with myself or I go piggy style big time!

When I kick off my new lifestyle I end up loosing 10 lbs in 4 weeks and 3 inches and then I plateau for a month and then I loose again.

Even when I fall off of my 'better' lifestle and diet and end up better than I was before.

THe closest commercialized package I've seen on the market to what I do and many other do is "The body for life" thingy. I don't agree on everything (I like to have more veg and fruit and milk) but it is better than the others out there.

The magazine "muscle and fitness hers" is great (even though it is geared to pple who have been in it longer) and "Muscle Media" or the Muscle Media for women called "Energy" are great. The "Body For Life" creator is the person behind the "Muscle Media" lines.


I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.