Then again Clark and Lois were as much to blame for it as Dan cos of Clark's running away all the time and Lois neglecting to tell Dan from the start that she was sort of taken.
That's true, Crazy Babe. Dan was annoying because Lois and Clark let him be annoying. Clark acted so stupid after Mason's dead, repeatedly pushing Lois away. :rolleyes:

She wasn't interested in Dan; for Lois the final straw was when Clark ran away while they were having a discussion about their relationship. In exasperation she turned to Dan and asked him if he wanted to go eat some icecream. frown

And of course Dan was conveniently around, you can't blame the guy! <g>

He did something nice though, for Clark. He's the one who told Superman to go talk to Constance, the last honest lawyer in Metropolis! cool

I voted for Dan being the most annoying because I rather liked poor Mayson. I was just very annoyed at the time they picked to blow her up. razz


Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Clark: You're high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it!