I chose Mayson, but I still think that Dan was awful. razz

Mayson served some positive plot purpose --- got Lois thinking along the right direction
So true. <g>

Lois and Clark weren't aware of their feelings for one another when Mayson started to throw herself at Clark. Mayson was another woman who would be willing to date Clark if Lois wouldn't. As others mentioned, Lois truly thought Clark was interested in Mayson. That intimidated Lois (to a certain point) and Clark didn't get to see that. Clark still thought she saw him as a friend and nothing more. frown

As for Dan...

Lois and Clark already knew that there was something special between them when Dan was introduced. At the time, Lois was frustrated with Clark and was flattered by the undivided attention Dan gave her. IMO, Lois didn't take Dan too seriously. He just showed up when she was sick of Clark running off... I always viewed Dan to be another obstacle Lois had to face on her way back to Clark.

It could go either way, lol.

Lois: Our byline is gonna look great on a Pulitzer someday