Hah, Kathy, ask something hard next time
/me raises an eyebrow. She finds it very suspicious that Pam claims this is an "easy one" yet conveniently forgets to answer the question....

But she's missed her chance now, because I know the answer! <EG>

TDASC is the Tireless Defenders Against Saint Clark. I know this well because Kathy won't let me get away with writing Clark as an angel who never does wrong. When I get my story back with the note "TDASAC" I know I've written him as a saint rather than a regular guy. <G>

I'm actually not sure if I've got the acronym right, I'm just guessing since I know what it means. Someone correct me if I've got the actual words wrong.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen