Common letters and their uses? AFK; BRB; RE; ROTFL, and anything else you can think of?
Well, if you're talking about what abbreviations we use and what they mean, here goes...

AFK = Away From Keyboard
BRB = Be Right Back
BBL = Be Back Later
BBIAF = Be Back In A Few
BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
Re = um...well, it doesn't stand for anything. I think it means "hello again" (as in when you redo something, so you rehello)
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing (sometimes without the T)
<g> = grin
<bg> = big grin
<vbg> = very big grin
<eg> = evil grin
(you can also combine the above, sometimes ending up with very weird concoctions like <vevbg> :p )
<inniocent> = when you've done something evil and would like to claim it as innocent. wink

Bethy (who is sure there is more which she will remember as soon as she goes to bed)

I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.