I don't tend to pop into the boards very much anymore either, but when I did just a few minutes ago and started reading this thread I was just flailing my arms around in delight.

DJ, good to 'see' you again! I could basically quote back every word you wrote and say, "I agree, I agree," but I'll try to confine myself to

I LOVE Tennant. Eccleston was my first doctor, but Tennant will ALWAYS hold the spot in my heart.
My best friend and I both started watching a few months ago. She's a big Matt Smith fan - she started with one of his episodes, and has remained true. I started with watching the 2005 episodes on Netflix, and much as I do enjoy Matt Smith, he is well below Tennant (and Eccleston) in my heart.

For companions, I have a soft spot in my heart for Rose, just as the Doctor did, but Donna is my favorite. Partly as mentioned because she didn't have romantic feelings for him. I honestly think that she was his best friend and that he would have been able to tell her things that he would never have been able to tell anyone else, including Rose. I was so upset at the way RTD wrote her out. (And I don't even count her appearance in Tennant's final two episodes.) Between that and my "feels" about the loneliness that he would be facing with EVERYBODY gone, I was a basket case after watching "Journey's End". (And like a glutton for punishment, I have re-watched it more than once... goofy I didn't like some of the stuff that Ten was scripted to do or say, almost like Moffat was trying to make him look more ridiculous in comparison to Eleven. And I definitely didn't like his last line referencing what he said for his regeneration - it cheapened it for me.

OK, almost done. Lately I've been binging on Tennant stuff that I've found online or at Netflix. And I do recommend Downton Abbey, which I was obsessed with for a couple of years recently. In my opinion, the first two seasons are excellent. The third was strong, but I was disappointed with some of the plotting. And the fourth was a strong downhill slide from the previous ones. Very disappointing for a show that I loved so much. YMMV, of course.

Wow, I can't remember the last time I wrote so long a post. That was fun.

Kathy smile

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5