Hi all. This post is sort of for Wendy or Labby if either of them are seeing this.


What were you thinking not telling me to plant my butt down in a sofa and watch Doctor Who back in 2006 when I was on here writing away for Lois & Clark. OMG!!! A good friend of mine finally convinced me to watch it and...wow. I was totally hooked and blown away by it.

What a devastating love story it weaves. It chews you up, spits you out, and the worst part is...you like it. :p

Anyway, I'm all caught up and waiting for Peter Capaldi to take the reigns in the fall. I even got so sucked in, that I was tempted to write a short one off fic (a mere 25 pages) about Rose and the alternate doctor. Had no idea where to post it so stuck it on a generic fanfiction.net account.

Anyway, I still lurk around these boards from time to time. I feel bad for not saying hello more often.

Are there any other Whovians out there? If not, why not?!? You don't know what you're missing. wink

--DJ smile

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.