Originally posted by Cape Fetish:
I've seen a few Whovians around these parts!

Personally, I adore the seasons with Nine and Ten, but once Moffat took over it got progressively worse and I can't stomach it anymore.
Jessi! Its so nice to see you're still around here. I LOVE Tennant. Eccleston was my first doctor, but Tennant will ALWAYS hold the spot in my heart. Sorry to hear how you feel about Moffat. I always kind of liked his writing. Are you my mummy? Loved that. And The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead are some of my favorite episodes. I had a really hard time with Matt (don't get me wrong, I really like him now and have accepted him and think he did a great job as the doctor) but I think it was mainly because I didn't want to let Tennant go.

Anyway, I'll always have a special place in my heart for Rose because that's who 10 was in love with. And it was such a tragic love story. I thought Donna was great. She was brave and always helped the Doctor however he needed it. And I loved Donna for her sass. She could always make me laugh. Of course I bawled like a baby though when the Doctor had to take her memory.

Originally posted by KatherineKent:
Oh yeah. Doctor Who is awesome.

I remember the regeneration from 4 to 5! But then my childhood watching faded when 6 regenerated into 7. I've not seen any of Sylvester McCoy's doctor, I think. I've seen Paul McGann's film only once. It was fantastic to see him again in the little short lead up to last years specials.
Sad to say I didn't start until recently. But I have gone back and watched some of the older doctors and I watched the movie. Also watched that movie around the anniversary about the origins of Doctor Who - An Adventure in Space and Time. Really liked it.

My favourite is definitely 10. David Tennant is just superb.
D e f i n i t e l y!

My daughter started watch at about 3 years old. She did watch 10 but doesn't remember it much. 11 is her doctor.
My daughter is 4. She has watched some of Tennant and loves him but she gets scared too easily. Matt's eps are much scarier so she hasn't watched any of them.

Well, that was fun. smile Thanks for indulging me off topic.


Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.