When I was younger and eager to please others the story I'm about to relate would have a different ending. An ending in which I graciously acquiesce to the demand that was made. But I didn't and, while I'm waiting in limbo to see what happens, I thought I'd take an informal poll of a diverse group and see just how reasonable/unreasonable my response was.

The setup: I work for a very large non-profit group of hospitals and clinics. Actually, I'd put the words "non-profit" in quotes, since, really, those guys are out for every freakin' penny they can get. One of the few perks of my job is a free phone every couple of years and unlimited minutes and texting for $10 a month. A couple of years ago my company started allowing people to get iPhones, but you had to pay for the phone and it was $25/month for the data plan. Which, don't get me wrong, is still a very sweet deal. When turning in your old phone, you got a $100 credit towards your new phone. I always picked the cheapest phone so I never had to pay. My phone came due for replacement last April, but I liked it and I saw no need to trade up.

All my co-workers started getting iPhones, but I was less than impressed. It didn't seem worth the extra moola. Then they announced that, as of the end of the year, there would be no more credits for trade-ins. I gave in to peer pressure and agreed to get the base model iPhone 4 with 8G of memory. My bosses tried to talk me into upgrading and getting the 4S, but I really didn't care if my phone could talk back to me.

A few days later the guy from Telecom called me to say that I was eligible for up to 16G and the 4S version. I said I wasn't interested. He pushed and said that it was free and I might as well take advantage because, after December, the deal was going away. I gave in and had to wait an extra two weeks for my shiny new iPhone 4S with 16G of memory.

Fast forward about a month to today. I had just pulled into the driveway when my phone rang. The phone number was from the corporate office so I answered it. It's the guy in Telecom and he's very sorry, but I was never eligible for the upgrade to the 16G and I owe them $70, to be paid at my convenience.

We went the rounds a couple of times - it was his fault (he said that repeatedly), he was very sorry, but that was the way it was. I asked if I could trade the current phone for the one I originally requested (the one that truly would have been free). He said that wasn't possible.

"So," I summed up for him, "it's your fault, but I'm the one who has to pay for it. How is that fair?"

His answer? "Life isn't fair."

To say I saw red is putting it mildly. Some little switch tripped over inside me and I politely told him that it was really his problem and I wasn't going to pay $70 to correct it. He said he'd get in touch with my boss and see "what else can be done".

Was I wrong to dig in my heels? Is it PMS? The fact that I'm saving every dime for a trip in April? The principle of the matter? What would you have done?

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis