Well, I see it this way:
1) Lois won't be completely out of the picture, she just won't start out as Clark's wife. Which means that the whole getting closer will start all over again - and that's way more interesting to me than the married stuff.
2) In the comics, they had quite a few issues regarding LnC's marriage that were still unresolved, among them the absolute biological incompatibility between humans and Kryptonians, problems of a sexual nature (never without protection, or it might prove fatal for Lois, and never with Clark playing an active role because he could all too easily break her in half - after all, soul-mates were from the show, not the comics!)
3) Most important DC characters (including not only absolutely all superheroes, but also characters like Lois!) will get a complete make-over, and the traits that define them will be fleshed out over time. And it would defeat the purpose of starting with a clean slate if you start LnC as a married couple.

And who knows? Maybe DC saw the light and will make Clark the real person, and Superman the disguise...

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)