I'm not a fan of the 'new look' but then it is comics and nothing is ever 'forever'. Does anyone who read the comics remember the electric blue costume?

Thankfully, it didn't last too long, but it was around for a year or so.

If the new suit doesn't prove popular then it will revert. Or the next creative team that wants to 'reinvent' Superman will do so by 'going back to the roots.

If the stories are interesting and the characters remain true to who they are then I won't be too bothered by a slight change in the costume.

If they mess with the 'who' the charactera are too much... then I just save my schekels for a while until things get back to the way I'd like.

There's always L&C fanfiction.

Tank (who told everyone way back when that DC editorial was never really happy with the whole Lois and Superman marriage thing)