I think I must be the oddball out here. I watched SV back in the days of seasons 1, 2, 3, and grew to really love Clark and Chloe's interaction. I had only seen a few eps of L&C years ago and barely remembered them, so I came to the show without a preconceived idea that Clark HAD to be with Lois. The friendship (with the potential of more) captured my attention, and when I remembered that Clark was supposed to end up with "Lois", I figured Chloe might as well *become* her, since they had such a great start already. And thus I became a fan of the "Chlois theory".

I actually disliked Erica Durance's Lois from day one, and quit watching SV mid-season 4 for that reason. Her personality rankled on me, and I felt like Chloe was getting sidelined. So I still will read fics that focus on those early seasons or go AU in pairing Clark/Chloe, but I've pretty much left SV fandom altogether for that reason. Chlark was such a OTP for me (and a few others, I imagine) that it felt like a betrayal. As time goes on, though, those of us who felt like that kinda have to walk away and say goodbye because there's not much point in torturing ourselves when the show has definitely gone in a different direction than we wanted.

I do wonder whether there's anyone else out there that came at it like I did--without the comic background and just looking at it as a show itself. I think without the comic background (or other Superman background), Clark/Chloe was quite plausible and would have been very interesting to see.

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.