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Posted By: Classicalla Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/13/11 11:07 PM
Well, I don't see that anyone else has mentioned the Smallville finale, but I will. I didn't always like where the show went, but I think they did a good job with the finale. It made me smile.

There were a couple of little things that made me shake my head (the very, very end), but since I know some of you outside the States probably won't see it for awhile, I won't say what.

And true to the word or rumors from before the show began, Clark donned the suit and flew.
Posted By: mozartmaid Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/14/11 01:41 AM
I LOVED it! I just watched it online and thought they got so many things right! I won't give spoilers, but Lois was Lois and we finally got Superman! laugh I'm happy!! party
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/14/11 05:40 AM
I have to chime in, too. Loved, loved, loved it! clap I've watched Smallville almost from the beginning (and have all the seasons on DVD- Walmart regrets that price match thing. I make them sell me the latest season every Christmas for $10 or $15 because that's what Best Buy sells it for. Nice savings because regular price is like $45! evil )
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/14/11 11:43 AM
Yes, it was very satisfying all around. It did seem like a payoff for the years of not so great stories. I swear the 2 hours were only 1 hour 10 minutes of Smallville and the rest commercials and promos for more CW shows. I'm going to see it again without commercials because I taped it.
Yes, he flew! I guess anything else is a spoiler, so I'll wait until more see it.
They were really taking bits from the movies and from Lois and Clark. So in that sense it is a tribute.
Great acting too.
Posted By: Tank Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/15/11 09:05 AM
Overall, it was satisfying even if it seemed a bit rushed. They seemed to plod along most of the season, then they realized they still had a lot to clean up and sped through several plot resolutions almost as an after thought.

I will give the people behind the show credit for making the effort, after screwing with the mythos for all those years, to bring it back closer to the accepted cannon.

While I understand the resolution of Tess' storyline I thought it unusual that they spent no time on any other character's reaction to it. A fairly major plot point became an afterthought.

Still, it was entertaining and fairly well done.

Erica's performance was very well done. She has truly become the number two Lois.

Tank (who found it amusing that we never actually saw Tom in a full body shot of him in the suit except for the extreme distant CG shots)
Posted By: Nora Helmer Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/15/11 07:32 PM
Hmmm ... interesting reactions. (When can we talk spoilers? I'm dying to dive into some of the details on where they went with this Lois & Clark with people (I assume) of a like mind on the Clois.)

I had one huge, huge problem with the finale, which you all who have seen it might guess. I mean, it was pretty decent except for that One. Glaring. Error. 7 years?!?! wallbash

Erica's performance was very well done. She has truly become the number two Lois.
I did love everything Erica Durance did. She is absolutely amazing and in my opinion, the best thing about Smallville by far (with Tess/ Cassidy Freeman a close second, so maybe I had two major problems with the finale wink ).

The writing, acting and directing in that doorway scene with Tom and Erica was so beautiful and really let Erica shine. I cried. Just lovely.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/15/11 08:13 PM
Tank (who found it amusing that we never actually saw Tom in a full body shot of him in the suit except for the extreme distant CG shots)
Yes, I noticed that, too. While they said at the very start of the show that at the end, he would suit up and fly, after that they said, "No flights. No Tights." So maybe that was their way of honoring both.
Posted By: Fearless Monkey Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/15/11 11:01 PM
Coming out of Lurkdom to say I LOVED the Finale! They did a great job. Favourite scenes were the door scene *sigh*, when Clark takes Lois' hand *awwww* and the vows *OMG*.

Originally posted by Tank:
Erica's performance was very well done. She has truly become the number two Lois.
She became my #1 in s9, she's the only reason I watched this show.

I did love everything Erica Durance did. She is absolutely amazing and in my opinion, the best thing about Smallville by far (with Tess/ Cassidy Freeman a close second, so maybe I had two major problems with the finale [Wink] ).
Can't agree more!!
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/16/11 08:51 AM
Good news today to fill my now empty Friday's at 8 p.m. Chuck has been renewed and scheduled for Friday instead of Monday.
clap clap clap
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 05/21/11 08:48 PM
Originally posted by stopquitdont:
Smallville never was L&C, but dang if it wasn't a nice distraction when you have nothing else, besides fanfic that is!
I didn't really watch Smallville season two or three after season one turned into the freak of the week. When Lois Lane was announced for season four I tuned back in and the interaction reminded me of the old Lois & Clark show. I googled it to see if it was available in DVD and discovered the L&C Fanfic archive. and Wow, delightful.

Not always happy with they way Smallville handled L&C but many episodes were delightful. And very grateful it led me to L&C fanfic.
Posted By: Doranwen Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/19/11 11:37 PM
I think I must be the oddball out here. I watched SV back in the days of seasons 1, 2, 3, and grew to really love Clark and Chloe's interaction. I had only seen a few eps of L&C years ago and barely remembered them, so I came to the show without a preconceived idea that Clark HAD to be with Lois. The friendship (with the potential of more) captured my attention, and when I remembered that Clark was supposed to end up with "Lois", I figured Chloe might as well *become* her, since they had such a great start already. And thus I became a fan of the "Chlois theory".

I actually disliked Erica Durance's Lois from day one, and quit watching SV mid-season 4 for that reason. Her personality rankled on me, and I felt like Chloe was getting sidelined. So I still will read fics that focus on those early seasons or go AU in pairing Clark/Chloe, but I've pretty much left SV fandom altogether for that reason. Chlark was such a OTP for me (and a few others, I imagine) that it felt like a betrayal. As time goes on, though, those of us who felt like that kinda have to walk away and say goodbye because there's not much point in torturing ourselves when the show has definitely gone in a different direction than we wanted.

I do wonder whether there's anyone else out there that came at it like I did--without the comic background and just looking at it as a show itself. I think without the comic background (or other Superman background), Clark/Chloe was quite plausible and would have been very interesting to see.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/20/11 10:08 PM
The friendship (with the potential of more) captured my attention, and when I remembered that Clark was supposed to end up with "Lois", I figured Chloe might as well *become* her, since they had such a great start already. And thus I became a fan of the "Chlois theory".
I read somewhere that the show creators had a young Clark Kent, a young Lana Lang, a young Pete Ross, a young Lex Luthor... but they weren't allowed to use a young Lois Lane. I always figured that "Chloe Sullivan" was really young Lois.

I'm another "Chlois theory" supporter. Skauble on DreamWidth has an excellent critical analysis of why so many people adhere to this theory. Here is a link to her thoughtful post on this:

"Iconic, Mythos, Canon, and the Smallville Fandom" .
Posted By: Michael Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/22/11 02:40 PM
No offense to its supporters, but the "Chlois" theory used to give me nose bleeds and I could go on for pages why the theory made no logical sense, but that's for other sites, ones where I spent way too much time in threads devoted to the topic. In the end the entire theory proved to be a moot point anyway.

As for Chloe, in my opinion she had potential as a love interest for the first season, but her behavior at the end of the second season culminating in her betrayal of Clark ruined the character for me. Also, I liked Erica's Lois and as the show went on I kept liking her more and more until she became one of my favorite on-screen portrayals of the character so, any other romantic pairing for Clark left me cold.

The main reason I stopped thinking about Chloe though was really for other reasons entirely. Once she learned the secret I think her character jumped the shark. She became the proverbial deus ex machina and I just felt that they shoe-horned her into too many storylines to spoon-feed Clark the answers to that week’s dilemma. I realize that the writers didn’t want to show Clark as all-powerful and that Chloe gave them a human foil to explain things not to mention a convenient method to move the plot along, but it got to be almost a joke how she would save Clark every other episode while simultaneously hacking into NORAD with her laptop. She was just too over-the-top.

Finally, her behavior in seasons 8 and 9 sealed my opinion of her and I honestly thought for awhile that they were going to turn her evil. Ironically, that would probably have saved her character for me because at least that would have been interesting. Instead she just seemed to linger with no point and we lost who I thought was a pretty good Jimmy.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/22/11 10:23 PM
The main reason I stopped thinking about Chloe though was really for other reasons entirely. Once she learned the secret I think her character jumped the shark. She became the proverbial deus ex machina and I just felt that they shoe-horned her into too many storylines to spoon-feed Clark the answers to that week’s dilemma. I realize that the writers didn’t want to show Clark as all-powerful and that Chloe gave them a human foil to explain things not to mention a convenient method to move the plot along, but it got to be almost a joke how she would save Clark every other episode while simultaneously hacking into NORAD with her laptop. She was just too over-the-top.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you there.
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/22/11 10:24 PM

Finally, her behavior in seasons 8 and 9 sealed my opinion of her and I honestly thought for awhile that they were going to turn her evil. Ironically, that would probably have saved her character for me because at least that would have been interesting. Instead she just seemed to linger with no point and we lost who I thought was a pretty good Jimmy.
Yes. In the later seasons, her character was just wasted. They could have done something else, but they just let her linger with no point. One of the many reasons that the last 3-4 years of "Smallville" were very disappointing to me.
Posted By: KenJ Re: Smallville Finale (SPOILERS) - 07/26/11 12:54 PM
I have the entire series but am only into season 4 in watching it. So far I have enjoied the series. I don't know about the proliferation of 'meteor rocks' (Kryptonite). I think I preferred it when it was relatively rare.
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