Hmmm ... interesting reactions. (When can we talk spoilers? I'm dying to dive into some of the details on where they went with this Lois & Clark with people (I assume) of a like mind on the Clois.)

I had one huge, huge problem with the finale, which you all who have seen it might guess. I mean, it was pretty decent except for that One. Glaring. Error. 7 years?!?! wallbash

Erica's performance was very well done. She has truly become the number two Lois.
I did love everything Erica Durance did. She is absolutely amazing and in my opinion, the best thing about Smallville by far (with Tess/ Cassidy Freeman a close second, so maybe I had two major problems with the finale wink ).

The writing, acting and directing in that doorway scene with Tom and Erica was so beautiful and really let Erica shine. I cried. Just lovely.