1. Recommend somewhere to visit. It can be anywhere on the planet -- and tell us why!
Hawaii - the Big Island. It's gorgeous in the winter and very comfortable all year round. Go see the volcanoes! Oh, and the orchids!

2. Where is a place you have always wanted to visit? Italy and the Mediterranean Coast, probably on a cruise ship. Been to Greece and Istanbul & Ephasus. Nice, but once is enough.

3. Where is a place you really have no interest in visiting? Sudan

4. What is your favorite city on your continent?
Los Angeles Sand, surf and cool in the summer.

5. Where was your last vacation? New York City, Niagara Falls and Pennsyvlania

6. Where will your next vacation be? Park City, Utah & Yellowstone

6. If you were beamed into Lois and Clark's universe, where are three places you'd want to visit? the farm in Smallville and meet Martha & Jonathan goofy

[Just fixing the broken bold codes for you, Artemis. (LabRat) ]

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis