Nice poll Twin!

1. Recommend somewhere to visit. It can be anywhere on the planet -- and tell us why! Lucerne, Switzerland. It was the cleanest crispest little town I've ever been to - not to mention BEAUTIFUL. I don't know how the Swiss do it but they can even make graffiti seem clean.

2. Where is a place you have always wanted to visit? Well for a long time I've wanted to visit New Zealand and definitely still feel that way. However, lately it's been Forks, WA. I'm a big Twilight fan (obviously) and it's a little more inexpensive than New Zealand.

3. Where is a place you really have no interest in visiting? Honestly, I don't think there's anywhere I don't want to visit. I even want to visit Iraq. There's so much biblical history over there. There are definitely places that are low on my list (i.e. Antartica, Iraq, Iceland), but really, there's something that I would like to see in all of those places too.

4. What is your favorite city on your continent? Hmmmm, tough one. I really liked San Diego and San Francisco but I also really like cities with good public transportation and I LOVE Texas cities so... I guess I can't pick.

5. Where was your last vacation? My last family vacation was quite awhile ago. I think we went to Baltimore, MD. My last individual vacay was to Salado, TX w/ some girlfriends. We stayed in a B&B and it was divine!!

6. Where will your next vacation be? I'm hoping to make our first official vacay w/ our little one in the next year or so. I'm thinking HI, WA, or Mexico...

6. If you were beamed into Lois and Clark's universe, where are three places you'd want to visit? The Island from OP, the resort from SLaV, and the Daily Planet.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw