1. Recommend somewhere to visit. It can be anywhere on the planet -- and tell us why! Maui, Hawaii. It is simply enchanting. I got married on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The the water is blue, the sand is white, the drinks come with little umbrellas ... ahhh, paradise.

2. Where is a place you have always wanted to visit? Paris. I took four years of high-school French, and even though how much of it I remember is up for debate, I have always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, eat brie (that doesn't come from Costco) and, of course, wear a pink beret.

3. Where is a place you really have no interest in visiting? Other than Iraq? Honestly, I am not super interested in visiting most of the countries in Central America. Too much political strife and anti-America sentiment.

4. What is your favorite city on your continent? That's hard. I love so many places ... but I have to represent for the hometown and say Seattle. Rain! Starbucks! Flying fish! Space Needle! Nordstrom! Sports! Puget Sound!

5. Where was your last vacation? I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago to celebrate my wedding anniversary. I loooooove Vegas.

6. Where will your next vacation be? We had so much fun on Maui this past spring that we're going back next year. Hopefully, a certain small bear won't be so afraid of the ocean next time.

6. If you were beamed into Lois and Clark's universe, where are three places you'd want to visit? [b]The Daily Planet, the Lexor (I am a sucker for fancy hotels; see my answer to No. 5) and the place that they held the Kerth Awards (as a nominee, of course).

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"