Originally posted by malu:
Bob and Carol,

I don't have an iPod or iPhone...

Hi malu,

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the "Bob and Carol" opening of you note. My immediate thought is that Carol and I should collaborate in a rewrite of "Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark." rotflol

As for sharing and moving files, I tend to use email and USB thumb drives. I maintain 4 different email addresses and when I'm working on a fic, about once a week or so I'll mail the work file from one of my email accounts to another. That gives me a record that can't be lost. Also, every time I edit a fic, I save a copy on a thumb drive. I then make sure to use multiple different computers and thumb drives so that I always have at least 2 copies of the most current version of whatever I'm working on. If I were to go back 2 or three revisions, I'll have half-a-dozen copies spread across several computers and multiple thumb drives. I don't like to lose work and I don't take chances.

As you can probably imagine, I find the scene in SV where Clark asks Lois, "Don't you back up onto floppy disks?" to be rather funny.

And, yes, I've been called crazy for my level of... caution. laugh
