Originally posted by carolm:
Bob - how do you get Stanza to connect to your gmail? It's similar to how box.net works I'd guess but I can't figure out how to do it - I'd prefer gmail...
Hi Carol,

From the Stanza menu, go into “Get Books”
Then go to “Shared”
Then touch “Edit”
Select “Add Book Source”
Select “Web Page” (Very important – I missed this the first time.)
Type in a name for the source. (Whatever you want. Mine say’s “Bob’s Gmail”)
Then for the URL I have http://www.gmail.com
Then save.

This adds the gmail account as a book source. You should see it on the list.

To load a story, do what I said earlier and mail it to your Gmail account.
In Stanza, go to “Get Books”, “Shared”. You should see your Gmail account as a source.
Select it. Stanza should then try to connect. The first time and periodically thereafter you will be prompted for your username and password. For the username, type in the whole path including the @gmail.com part. For me, I then see my Gmail inbox. I find the mail that has the particular story attached as an epub and select it. When I select the attachment it asks if I want to download it and import it to my library. (The name in this question is always a funny numerical thing that points to the attachment. Don’t worry about that, just say yes. ) When I say to download it takes a few seconds then the document is in my library (with the correct name)

I actually have two mail accounts set up this way, Gmail and another webmail.aol.com mail account. Both work the same.

I hope this works for you.