Thanks, Lynn. I'm afraid you lost me a little in some of your pc-speak but the gist seems to be that because I'm used to older Word and don't need it for anything "fancy" Open Office would work fine, perhaps easier and better than paying $149 for MS Office 7? Again all I really want is a Word type program. FYI, I used Word 2000. I still have the CD of it but am hesitant to try it out...

Carol, I'm sorry your...not sure what "MIL" stands for, but whoever you know is having MS Office '07 issues. I generally prefer older versions of things, certainly foods myself.

I can always try O.O and see what it's like. I wouldn't want to like buy MS '07 only to a few weeks later be informed 2010 version was out, that would stink bigtime.

Anyway, thanks again everyone.
