Thank you everyone for all the replies, I really appreciate it. Folcs, as always, rock. smile1

I put the question to the Best Buy Geek Squad (GS)themelves, who said it would not work. However he said that sometime this year MS Office will be releasing either a free or low cost version that will be compatible. Meantime, supposedly there are free trial downloads.

I also asked this question to a very computer savvy Cousin of mine. He told me about something called It's free and from my quick gander of it, it seems to be convertible old Word to it? I'll have to read up on it. Certainly would be wonderful if it works. Again all I am wanting is a Word type program.

I am not sure if this should be part of this thread or another but wanted to share a word of warning to anyone buying a new PC, particularly an HP. The one I got yesterday, exchanged today, mad was/is an HP s5310y. Last night after setting it up, establishing my DSL connection, I ran a Trend Micro Scan. (I decided to stick with them for now since the time I still had left was transferable). The Security Scan found 27 NEW viruses! This from a brand new pc. All the viruses were contained with a pre-installed HP Games Folder by Wild Tangent. Trend had even quarantined each of them individually!

As if that was not bad enough, looking at the Security Report, it listed 45 viruses were found in the computer on 2/27, 4 days before I had even bought the darn thing. 72 total viruses, yikes. The reason for my hasty return of it. I have yet to set up the replacement but sure hope it will be fine.

The PC I got today did not already have the Geek Squad Optimization done to it, which I have heard is a rip off. Anyway, the technician removed everything Wild Tangent. He said that it is merely a 60 day free trial of games that HP hopes you will buy. So beware of that.

For now, that's that. I'll try openoffice later and let you know.
