I asked some of my colleagues today, and waddayaknow? One of them told me that her husband, a Dane, has peanut butter with his sandwiches all the time. Another colleague, an English teacher who spent her childhood in the United States, often has peanut butter sandwiches with her family on Fridays and Saturdays, particularly if the family is relaxing and spending the evening together.

Another colleague told me that she used peanut butter just yesterday to bake some peanut butter cookies, but they don't eat peanut butter as a sandwich spread in her family. That's much like me. I have a jar of peanut butter in the fridge because I bought it to bake a peanut butter cake last year. The cake turned out okay, but not splendid, and I have not used the peanut butter since then. It has probably expired by now.

But peanut butter is apparently more popular than I thought here in Sweden, at least among my colleagues and their families!
