A song you know all the words to
'Everybody Hurts', by R.E.M. -- along with a whole lot of other songs by Belgian and Dutch artists that probably none of you know ;-).

Last book you read
Thinking in Java, by Bruce Eckel. Yeah, I'm a geek. So sue me.

Favorite pizza toppings
Mozarella cheese and pepperoni.

Shoe size
I have absolutely no idea. I buy them in size 39, but don't ask me how that translates to American sizes.

Favorite household chore
Ironing, because I usually only have time to watch TV while doing that.

Household chore you'd do anything to get away from
Washing dirty dishes. I'm doing this poll to get away from that right now :p .

PC or Mac?
Mac, of course. I used to have a white MacBook that was recently stolen from me by a guy threatening me with a knife. The fact that my insurance company subsequently agreed to refund me 90% of the purchase price for one of the recently introduced entry-level MacBook Pro's, was the one good thing that came out of that.

Favorite holiday
Don't really have one. My family used to be big on Christmas when I was little, with tons of presents and all that, but the tradition has faded away and I don't have a family of my own yet to celebrate with, so... mostly, holidays are not much different from any other day for me.

Type of cell phone you own
Currently none. I used to have a Nokia 3310, the age of which only goes to show how little I care about cell phones, but it was stolen during the same incident mentioned above, and I haven't replaced it yet. I don't think I will, in the foreseeable future.

Last ep of L&C you watched
The Eyes Have It (s2e12), because I'm currently writing a story based on that episode.

Favorite cereal
Good old Corn Flakes, with a teaspoon of sugar mixed in.

Facebook app you spend the most time on
Lately, I've been avoiding Facebook like the plague

Somewhere you have always wanted to visit
New York City! But in a pinch, anywhere in the USA will do.

Superpower you wish you had
Superspeed, so I could work full-time and go to school full-time simultaneously.

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.