OOh!! A poll!!! smile1

1. A song you know all the words to?

Thinking... Thinking... I'm supposing it's a song you can sing without a tune. Hmm. The only ones I remember are the lullabies I learnt a long time ago when I still wore diapers (haven't had a need for those in quite a while).

I can sing "Atirei o pau ao gato" or "I've thrown a stick to the cat" - yes, it is *that* violent and I hadn't noticed it until recently. Poor children. The lyrics are something like "I've thrown a stick to the cat/ But the cat didn't die/ Dona (Mrs?) Chica was surprised/ with the scream the cat gave...
Yeah, it's awful, I know. Don't know any other lyrics by heart though...

2. Last book you read?

Fish Out of Water by Mary Janice Davidson.

3. Favorite pizza toppings?

Cheese. More cheese. Sweetcorn.

4. Your shoe size?

By portuguese standards it's in average a 36 (but it depends on the model since I have shoes that range from 35 to 37), by UK standards I wear a 3 1/2 shoe size, in Australia my shoe size is 4 1/2 and in the States it's a 6.

5. Favorite household chore?

None? :p But if I had to pick one making the beds would be my choice.

6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid?

Cleaning the dust. My nose and my eyes act up everytime I have to do it. Ugh.

7. PC or Mac?


8. Favorite holiday?

Christmas. It's not the holiday spirit though - it's the food.

9. Type of cellphone you own?

Nokia something something. It's black and pink and that's the only other thing I know about it.

10. Last ep of L&C you watched?

Brutal Youth.

11. Favorite cereal?

After careful ponderation I choose Clusters.

12. Facebook app you spend to much time on?

Quizzes. They're the only reason I even have a Facebook account.

13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit?

New York, Dublin and Barcelona

14. Superpower you wish you had?


Granny Weatherwax: 'You've got to think headology, see? Not muck about with all this beauty and wealth business. That's not important.'

Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett