1. A song you know all the words to?
"shattered" by The Trading Yesterday.
2. Last book you read?
The Gunseller by Hugh Laurie.
3. Favorite pizza toppings?
Sweet corn, and lots and lots of it! YUM!
4. Your shoe size?
size 7
5. Favorite household chore?
Folding Laundry.
6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid?
Washing dirty dishes.
7. PC or Mac?
8. Favorite holiday?
9. Type of cellphone you own?
A Blackberry Curve.
10. Last ep of L&C you watched?
Oh gosh! haven't seen an episode in so long even though the dvds are right in front of me. Maybe Wall of Sound?
11. Favorite cereal?
cocoa pops!
12. Facebook app you spend to much time on?
Farmville. laugh
13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit?
Italy and Greece.
14. Superpower you wish you had?


Tempus: You want to know the future, Miss Lane? No one works, no one argues, there are 9,000 channels and nothing on!