Without peeking at other peoples' answers, here's what I got:

1. Who was the Great White Whale? Moby Dick
2. What are White Nights?
3. Where is the Great White Way?
4. What is a white elephant? a traditional gift exchange-type-thing in which everyone brings an inexpensive gift but doesn't put a name on it, and the gifts are passed around in a sort of game. At the end of the game, everybody opens their gifts.
5. Who or what was the White Shadow?
6. Who was the White Witch?
7. Who were the White Russians?
8. What were the Wars of the Roses?
9. What is the Rosetta Stone? a tablet with the same message in three different ancient languages which helped in the translation of Egyptian heiroglyphs
10. Where is Red Square?
11. What is a red tide?
12. Where is the Red Sea? north of the dead sea, along the River Jordan
13. Who is Scarlett O’Hara? the heroine of Gone With the Wind
14. What is “A Study In Scarlet”?
15. What was the Scarlet Letter? a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in which an adulteress (Hester Prynne) was forced to wear a scarlet-colored letter "A" on her dress to shame her for her crime, and for not telling who the father of her illegitimate baby was
16. What is the Crimson Tide?
17. What were the Ruby Slippers? originally worn by the Wicked Witch, Dorothy was given them, and they later helped her to "get home" to Kansas in The Wizard of Oz
18. What are pinking shears? scissors which cut out funny squiggle patterns
19. What is the House of Orange?
20. Where is the Yellow River? China
21. Who was Ol’ Yeller? a dog
22. Where is the Yellow Sea?
23. Where is Yellowknife?
24. What is yellow fever?
25. What is I Am Curious (Yellow)?
26. What was the Yellow Peril?
27. What was the golden calf? an idol made in Biblical times by the Israelites while Moses was up on the mountain getting the ten commandments
28. Where is the Golden Gate? at the entrance to Heaven . . . or San Fransisco, if you're talking about the bridge
29. Who is the Golden Bear?
30. Where is the Golden Horn?
31. What was the Golden Hind?
32. Who are the Golden Bears?
33. What was the Golden Fleece? an object that Hercules had to retrieve in one of his three tests
34. What is the Emerald Isle? Ireland
35. Where is the fictional Emerald City? the land of Oz
36. What real city is nicknamed the Emerald City?
37. Who is the Green Lantern? a comic book superhero who could make things materialize out of a ring on his finger which had a green lantern design on it
38. Who is the Green Hornet?
39. Who is the Green Arrow? a comic book superhero somewhat like Robin Hood
40. What was Green Acres? a television show about a town called Green Acres
41. Who wrote the “Blue Danube”?
42. Who was Old Blue Eyes?
43. Who were the Blue Riders?
44. Who owned a Blue Ox? Paul Bunyan
45. What famous artist had a Blue Period?
46. Who wrote “Blue Skies”?
47. Who are the Blue Devils?
48. What was Purple Rain?
49. What was imperial purple?
50. Who wrote “Riders of the Purple Sage”?
51. Who were the Purple People Eaters?
52. What is Mood Indigo?
53. What was the Mauve Decade?
54. Who was the Brown Bomber?
55. When was the Bronze Age?
56. Who said, “Hi-yo, Silver!”? The Lone Ranger (and I'm pretty sure it's "Hi-ho, Silver!"
57. What was the Silver Ghost?
58. Who was Gandalf the Grey? a wizard in Lord of the Rings
59. What is mother-of-pearl?
60. Where are the Pearly Gates? at the entrance to Heaven
61. What is the Diamond Sutra?
62. What was the Black Death? Bubonic Plague
63. Where is the Black Sea?
64. Who was the Black Prince? Edward of England

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

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