1. Who was the Great White Whale? Moby Dick
2. What are White Nights?
3. Where is the Great White Way? Broadway, NYC
4. What is a white elephant? A joke gift, or a gift no one wants. Usually a Christmas party game
5. Who or what was the White Shadow?
6. Who was the White Witch? Empress Jadis, brought into Narnia by Digory Kirke, who tyranized Narnia for over 100 years
7. Who were the White Russians?
8. What were the Wars of the Roses? The war between the House of York and the House of Lancaster
9. What is the Rosetta Stone? A stone that helped the Egyptian and Babylonian? translation
10. Where is Red Square? Moscow
11. What is a red tide?
12. Where is the Red Sea? Middle east?
13. Who is Scarlett O’Hara? Heroine of Gone with the Wind
14. What is “A Study In Scarlet”?
15. What was the Scarlet Letter? [b]A, for adulterer

16. What is the Crimson Tide?
17. What were the Ruby Slippers? The shoes that helped Dorothy Gale get back to Kanses. (bonus point? Originally were silver in the books)
18. What are pinking shears? Sewing shears with a zig-zag blade
19. What is the House of Orange?
20. Where is the Yellow River? China
21. Who was Ol’ Yeller? A dog
22. Where is the Yellow Sea?
23. Where is Yellowknife?
24. What is yellow fever? An illness?
25. What is I Am Curious (Yellow)?
26. What was the Yellow Peril?
27. What was the golden calf? I'm fairly sure it was in the bible
28. Where is the Golden Gate? San Francisco
29. Who is the Golden Bear?
30. Where is the Golden Horn?
31. What was the Golden Hind?
32. Who are the Golden Bears?
33. What was the Golden Fleece? A fleece that Jason of the Argonauts was tasked to retrieve
34. What is the Emerald Isle? Ireland
35. Where is the fictional Emerald City? In the merry old land of Oz
36. What real city is nicknamed the Emerald City? Seattle, WA
37. Who is the Green Lantern? Which one? Hal Jordan is the one I can remember, even though I watched John (something or other) the most
38. Who is the Green Hornet? radio/tv character?
39. Who is the Green Arrow? Another DC superhero, a member of the Justice League
40. What was Green Acres? The place to be! A tv show
41. Who wrote the “Blue Danube”?
42. Who was Old Blue Eyes? Frank Sinatra
43. Who were the Blue Riders?
44. Who owned a Blue Ox? Paul Bunyon
45. What famous artist had a Blue Period? Picasso
46. Who wrote “Blue Skies”?
47. Who are the Blue Devils? Duke University
48. What was Purple Rain?
49. What was imperial purple? A shade of purple only monarchs would wear
50. Who wrote “Riders of the Purple Sage”?
51. Who were the Purple People Eaters? A one-eyed, one-horned alien that wanted to play music, not eat people
52. What is Mood Indigo?
53. What was the Mauve Decade?
54. Who was the Brown Bomber?
55. When was the Bronze Age? After the Stone Age
56. Who said, “Hi-yo, Silver!”? Lone Ranger
57. What was the Silver Ghost?
58. Who was Gandalf the Grey? The wizard who helped both Frodo and Bilbo Baggins on their quests
59. What is mother-of-pearl? The inside of an oyster shell
60. Where are the Pearly Gates? The entrance to Heaven
61. What is the Diamond Sutra?
62. What was the Black Death? the Bubonic Plague, which marks the Dark Ages
63. Where is the Black Sea? Northern Europe, around Scandanavia
64. Who was the Black Prince?

So where are the answers?

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited