1. Who was the Great White Whale? Moby Dick
2. What are White Nights? In L.M. Montgomery books, they are the nights during which you can't sleep. But somehow I don't think that's the answer the quiz author was looking for.
3. Where is the Great White Way? Broadway, NYC
4. What is a white elephant? a very expensive, useless item
5. Who or what was the White Shadow?
6. Who was the White Witch? the villian in Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
7. Who were the White Russians? The royalists faction in the Russian Revolution. "What" would be a drink made with kahlua, vodka and milk.
8. What were the Wars of the Roses? 15th century English war between the Lancasters and the Yorks.
9. What is the Rosetta Stone? A stone tablet with certain Bible verses (can't recall which) written in four different languages.
10. Where is Red Square? A square in Moscow. I think the Kremlin might be there.
11. What is a red tide? Has something to do with dead fish rolling up on the beach, I think.
12. Where is the Red Sea? Somewhere between Eygpt and Israel.
13. Who is Scarlett O’Hara? The heroine of "Gone With The Wind".
14. What is “A Study In Scarlet”? An Edgar Allen Poe story. (ETA: On second thought, I think this is a Sherlock Holmes story by Arthur Conan Doyle.)
15. What was the Scarlet Letter? A mark of shame that Hester was forced to wear marking her adultery in the book of the same name.
16. What is the Crimson Tide? Alabama football team
17. What were the Ruby Slippers? Slippers taken from the Wicked Witch of the East and given to Dorothy by Glinda in "The Wizard of Oz."
18. What are pinking shears? Scissors that cut in a chevron pattern.
19. What is the House of Orange? A Dutch family that, in the person of William, conquered Ireland. 17th century, maybe?
20. Where is the Yellow River? China
21. Who was Ol’ Yeller? A dog who came to a tragic end.
22. Where is the Yellow Sea?
23. Where is Yellowknife?
24. What is yellow fever? Malaria.
25. What is I Am Curious (Yellow)?
26. What was the Yellow Peril?
27. What was the golden calf? A false idol
28. Where is the Golden Gate? San Francisco
29. Who is the Golden Bear?
30. Where is the Golden Horn?
31. What was the Golden Hind? I think this was Francis Drake's ship.
32. Who are the Golden Bears?
33. What was the Golden Fleece? Object of a search by Jason and the Argonauts
34. What is the Emerald Isle? Ireland
35. Where is the fictional Emerald City? Oz
36. What real city is nicknamed the Emerald City?
37. Who is the Green Lantern?
38. Who is the Green Hornet?
39. Who is the Green Arrow? Oliver Queen
40. What was Green Acres?
41. Who wrote the “Blue Danube”?
42. Who was Old Blue Eyes? Frank Sinatra
43. Who were the Blue Riders?
44. Who owned a Blue Ox?
45. What famous artist had a Blue Period?
46. Who wrote “Blue Skies”?
47. Who are the Blue Devils?
48. What was Purple Rain?
49. What was imperial purple?
50. Who wrote “Riders of the Purple Sage”?
51. Who were the Purple People Eaters?
52. What is Mood Indigo?
53. What was the Mauve Decade?
54. Who was the Brown Bomber?
55. When was the Bronze Age? When prehistoric humans began using tools
56. Who said, “Hi-yo, Silver!”?
57. What was the Silver Ghost?
58. Who was Gandalf the Grey? Good wizard in several Tolkien books
59. What is mother-of-pearl? a semi-precious stone
60. Where are the Pearly Gates? Heaven
61. What is the Diamond Sutra?
62. What was the Black Death? Plague
63. Where is the Black Sea? Russia?
64. Who was the Black Prince? Edward

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