I can answer a few the answers are in bold

1. Who was the Great White Whale?
2. What are White Nights?
3. Where is the Great White Way?
4. What is a white elephant?
5. Who or what was the White Shadow?
6. Who was the White Witch? The villian in CS Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wadrobe'
7. Who were the White Russians?
8. What were the Wars of the Roses?
9. What is the Rosetta Stone? A stone found in Egypt that was writtne in Greek, Hieroglyps and Latin I think I can't really remember the last one I know the first two for certain. It allowed for the translation of the Heiroglyps
10. Where is Red Square? Moscow Russia
11. What is a red tide?
12. Where is the Red Sea? In between Asia and Africa. Moses parted it to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt to freedom
13. Who is Scarlett O’Hara? The lead character in Margaret Mitchell's 'Gone With the Wind'
14. What is “A Study In Scarlet”?
15. What was the Scarlet Letter?
16. What is the Crimson Tide?
17. What were the Ruby Slippers? The slippers Dorothy wore in 'Thw Wizard of Oz'
18. What are pinking shears?
19. What is the House of Orange?
20. Where is the Yellow River? China
21. Who was Ol’ Yeller?
22. Where is the Yellow Sea?
23. Where is Yellowknife?
24. What is yellow fever?
25. What is I Am Curious (Yellow)?
26. What was the Yellow Peril?
27. What was the golden calf?
28. Where is the Golden Gate? If by that you mean the bridge then it's San Francisco
29. Who is the Golden Bear?
30. Where is the Golden Horn?
31. What was the Golden Hind?
32. Who are the Golden Bears?
33. What was the Golden Fleece? It was an Ancient Greek Legend that's all I know
34. What is the Emerald Isle? Ireland
35. Where is the fictional Emerald City?
36. What real city is nicknamed the Emerald City?
37. Who is the Green Lantern?
38. Who is the Green Hornet?
39. Who is the Green Arrow?
40. What was Green Acres?
41. Who wrote the “Blue Danube”? Johan Strauss II
42. Who was Old Blue Eyes? Sinatra
43. Who were the Blue Riders?
44. Who owned a Blue Ox?
45. What famous artist had a Blue Period?
46. Who wrote “Blue Skies”?
47. Who are the Blue Devils?
48. What was Purple Rain?
49. What was imperial purple?
50. Who wrote “Riders of the Purple Sage”?
51. Who were the Purple People Eaters?
52. What is Mood Indigo?
53. What was the Mauve Decade?
54. Who was the Brown Bomber? Joe Louis
55. When was the Bronze Age?
56. Who said, “Hi-yo, Silver!”?
57. What was the Silver Ghost?
58. Who was Gandalf the Grey?
59. What is mother-of-pearl?
60. Where are the Pearly Gates? The gates to Heaven
61. What is the Diamond Sutra?
62. What was the Black Death? The nickname given to the bubonic plague that swept through Europe during the middle ages
63. Where is the Black Sea? In Eastern Europe in the area called the Caucasus
64. Who was the Black Prince?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller