I was so wanting to see this movie and than I did the dumb thing or maybe smart in this case thing of typing in terminator salvation spoilers thinking they might give something about the movie away but instead I found a rumor that most people are saying is true on how the movie ends.

Now it this rumor is true I don't want to see the movie because it would ruin the hold Terminator saga for me.

So when this movie comes out I was hoping if anyone see it they could email me and let me know if they end does indeed following what the links below says:


All anyone would have to do is go to the link above and if the movie did end this way just reply with Yes that's the end.
to my email Jeditheskyisblue@yahoo.com

Thanks to anyone who takes the time and does this for me. I know the movie doesn't come out until next week.

Love Is the One Thing That Never Ends.